jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010

The Chelsea clocks on and off to Ramires by 22 million Euros.

The rumors of the last days have confirmed and the club ' blue' one takes control of the services of international the Brazilian that, until the moment, militated in the rows of the Benfica.

Benfica and Chelsea have confirmed the crossing of Ramires in the terms that, yesterday, doing echo to us of a information appeared in the daily Record, we explained to you in Mercafutbol. The London club will pay 22 million Euros by international the Brazilian, that lusa arrived at the organization the past campaign, previous payment of 7.5 ' kilos'. It has made profitable to the player the Benfica, who by means of an official notice sent to the Commission of the Moving Stock market Portuguese, relates: The agreement of the transference will be formalized once the player concludes the medical examinations which he must be put under, with the consent of the Benfica, and will be decided the celebration a work contract The company/signature, definitive, therefore, is at the expense of which the means pass medical examination with the Chelsea.

1 comentario:

  1. hiz!:D
    your blog is so cool, we love the football. Your pictures are so cool and actual, congratulations, in special the Cristiano Ronaldo's pictures, he so pretty ._. (L)Cristiano Ronaldo xD.
    Aleeh:"pushii, what is yor favorite football team??"
    pushii: "aah!! x3 I like the Barcelona, they're the best spain team"
    Aleeh: "yeah! the spain teams are good."
    Pushii: "and you?, whis do you like?"
    aleeh: "I like the Manchester Unated xD"

    Patoo your blog is cool, bye bye :D
