sábado, 31 de julio de 2010

Leave the Barcelona Rafael Márquez.

After seven years and won twelve titles (four league titles, one Copa del Rey, Spain three Super Cups, two Champions Leagues, one UEFA Super Cup and World Club), the central Mexican Rafa Marquez today said goodbye to FC Barcelona after club and player have reached an agreement whereby the contract rescinded the season that he still remained to carry the Mexican.
Marquez, 31 years old, did not confirm his destination but it has long been assumed that in the future will play in the New York Red Bulls of Major League Soccer, where, precisely, will be reunited with former teammate at Can Barça Thierry Henry. The other two casualties that have occurred so far this summer in Barcelona are the Dmitro Chigrinskiy and Touré Yaya.
In his farewell ceremony, held in the room Paris and in the presence of Sandro Rosell, president of Barcelona, Marquez explained the reasons for his departure: "I could have been without so many minutes, stay calm, but my character will not let me, always I have been ambitious, I want more and want to play, "he said, adding:" I think it's the right time to leave, looking for a new era, a new challenge and continue my career. "
In the presence of Puyol and Guardiola, the man who can not assure the parties that he needs, the Mexican continued his speech: "I'm happy with everything I've won, with all I have, I am more than happy. I would have liked to retire here, but sometimes the conditions are not what you decide, so I better say goodbye now. I hope to return to Barcelona in the future, "said the second foreigner with more titles at Barca after Stoichkov.

1 comentario:

  1. Sounds good transfer, I have personally seen several games Marquez, playing for Barcelona, and considering distant uncle, plays well and I find it a very complete player and with excellent characteristics.
    I like your blog, congratulations comprehensive
